WGS-84 Status Report (As of October 1, 2001)

This report provides a list of countries whose Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP) publicizes that all navigation coordinates included in the AIP have been re-referenced to WGS-84 or an equivalent geodetic reference datum. The list will be updated periodically as other countries announce the change to WGS-84.

Many countries only include international airports in the AIP. Therefore, the conversion of coordinates to WGS-84 associated with domestic and military airports may still be ongoing in some of the listed countries.

Argentina Australia Austria
Azores (Portugal) Bahrain Barbados
Belgium Benin Bermuda
Bosnia-Herzegovina Brazil Brunei
Burkina Faso Burundi Cameroon
Canada Canary Island Cape Verde Islands
Central African Rep. Chad Chagos Archipelago
Congo Rep. Cook Islands Croatia
Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark
Djibouti Ecuador Egypt
Equatorial Guinea Estonia Faroe Is.
Fiji Finland France
French Antilles French Guyana French Pacific
Gabon Gambia Germany
Guatemala Hong Kong Hungary
Iceland Indonesia Ireland
Italy Ivory Coast Japan
Jordan Korea Kuwait
Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg
Macau Macedonia Madagascar
Madeira Is. (Portugal) Maldives Mali
Mauritania Monaco Mongolia
Myanmar Nepal Netherlands
New Zealand Niger Norway
Poland Portugal Romania
St. Pierre and Miquelon Santa Maria Oceanic (Portugal) Sao Tome and Principe
Senegal Singapore Slovakia
Slovenia Spain Sri Lanka
Sweden Switzerland Taiwan
Togo Tonga Tunisia
Turkey Turks and Caicos United Arab Emirates
United Kingdom United States Uruguay
Vanuatu Vietnam Yugoslavia